Sunday, April 12, 2009

Silent Auction and Dinner!

Hello Friends! I want to invite you to a very special silent auction and dinner to benefit Teen MOPS. My church runs this awesome ministry to encourage pregnant or parenting mothers ages 13-19. It helps teen moms become more self-sufficient, confident, mature, giving, and self aware young women. I am helping organize the silent auction portion, and there are some wonderful items up for bid! Tickets are $8 for adults, and $4 for children ages 2-10. It will take place this Friday, April 17th from 6:30- 8:30pm at Christ Community Church. Oh! And the dinner is catered by Olive Garden- yum! Please register on-line prior to the event (the sooner the better!!!) here: If this link doesn't work for you, please let me know.
Thanks for considering this, and maybe I'll see you there!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Idol "Top 9"

Last Night was the "Top 9." I'm watching it this afternoon so that I won't be so far behind, but I'm bummed I haven't been able to vote in a few weeks.
FIRST- I have to say I think the introduction of the judges at the beginning of each show is super cheesy, and I am SO over it! Also, as one of my friends pointed out, I'm irritated that Simon doesn't take his turn critiquing first. Hmm...

Alright, now that I got that out of my system, let's see if I can sum up each person's performance in 3 words or less...
Anoop- OK, not great.
Megan- Snore... Weird tone (still)
Danny- Gave me chills! :) (Wow, wow, wow!)
Allison- Indulgent; liked (the) guitar
Scott- Still: poor vocals!
Matt- Cool rock vibe! (OR) Growing on me :) (the judges were really hard on him!)
Li'l- Pitchy- not great. (the judges didn't say anything about the pitchy-ness?!!!)
Adam- Amazing vocals; (still) strange. (and what's with the Elvis hair-do?)
Kris- Wow! Loved it!

So- I got close to 3 words each! I am surprised that a few contestants I didn't like much a few weeks ago are becoming my favorites. I suppose that's what makes the show fun each week!

I think the bottom 3 will be: Megan, Li'l, and I don't know. I wish it would be Scott, but I'm thinking it'll probably be Anoop or Matt. :( We shall see!