Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Idol "Top 9"

Last Night was the "Top 9." I'm watching it this afternoon so that I won't be so far behind, but I'm bummed I haven't been able to vote in a few weeks.
FIRST- I have to say I think the introduction of the judges at the beginning of each show is super cheesy, and I am SO over it! Also, as one of my friends pointed out, I'm irritated that Simon doesn't take his turn critiquing first. Hmm...

Alright, now that I got that out of my system, let's see if I can sum up each person's performance in 3 words or less...
Anoop- OK, not great.
Megan- Snore... Weird tone (still)
Danny- Gave me chills! :) (Wow, wow, wow!)
Allison- Indulgent; liked (the) guitar
Scott- Still: poor vocals!
Matt- Cool rock vibe! (OR) Growing on me :) (the judges were really hard on him!)
Li'l- Pitchy- not great. (the judges didn't say anything about the pitchy-ness?!!!)
Adam- Amazing vocals; (still) strange. (and what's with the Elvis hair-do?)
Kris- Wow! Loved it!

So- I got close to 3 words each! I am surprised that a few contestants I didn't like much a few weeks ago are becoming my favorites. I suppose that's what makes the show fun each week!

I think the bottom 3 will be: Megan, Li'l, and I don't know. I wish it would be Scott, but I'm thinking it'll probably be Anoop or Matt. :( We shall see!


Julie said...

So I see that you and I are going to butt heads on a couple of these people. That's ok, I still love you. Here are my thoughts from the other night:

My picks for the bottom 3 were right on. I am so done with Megan, so I'm glad she's gone. I can't believe how annoying she was with her weird clapping, dancing, smiling/laughing... all of it. Done done done.

As for the others... I love that Usher song but not how Anoop sang it. The background music was too quiet or not hip-hoppy enough, not sure what the problem was. It just didn't sound right. Anoop isn't going to win the competition so he'll probably go home soon. I really liked him during auditions but he's quickly losing his fan base in me.

Danny's performance wasn't my favorite of his (I think that would be the Hero song he once sang), but he's consistently good (and better than the others) and I have never cringed while listening to him (unlike the others, where sometimes I go "Why on earth would you sing that?").

I don't really like Allison but I feel like I should -- everyone else seems to like her, but I just don't get her.

Scott's Billy Joel rendition was awesome. Having just seen Billy Joel and Elton John in concert last week, I thought Scott did a great job.

Matt is one of those guys I can love one week and hate the next. His inconsistency is why he shouldn't make it as an Idol. But I do like him more now than I did before.

Lil's song choice was not great but she still has a powerful voice. I don't like her weaves and I didn't like her outfit -- I wish she would just go back to being herself with the short spiky hair and cute clothes. My question: did she get the sympathy votes from her daughter sitting on Randy's lap at the end there?

Adam had a lively song but it was so over-the-top performance-wise. Isn't that what Simon usually refers to as over-indulgent? I like the guy and he showed great range, but I just felt like he was screaming. He won't go home for awhile (although I'm surprised he didn't go home a couple weeks ago or whenever he sang that scary, creepy song).

Kris is another hit or miss singer; I really liked Tuesday night's performance but the guy just doesn't stand out for me.

And there you have it. Free input!

Melissa G said...

I don't know who won and I don't follow this at all, but my parents watched the program. Apparently they interviewed the mom of one of the finalists. She said that her son was "very vocal" from birth. Since my son is very vocal, my mom thinks he is destined to be an "Idol" in 18 years... Ha,ha!