Saturday, March 21, 2009

American Idol- Elimination

So I got to watch this week's episodes on Friday (which means I didn't vote). I was generally unimpressed with most of the performances. I was totally surprised by the elimination, though! I really liked Alexis, and am sad that she didn't at least make it into the touring Top 10.
:( "Jolene" was an AWFUL choice for her though, and even when singing for her life, it sounded horrid. (I personally kept thinking of Brooke singing it last year- loved her rendition!) I'm wondering if they would let them sing the song of their choice when they're "singing for their survival?" Hmmm... We'll have to stay tuned.


Julie said...

The most painful part about the results show is hearing the eliminated singer sing the song that inevitably forced them home that week. It's like, if you sounded horrible last night, why on earth would you be any better tonight? I would feel like an idiot belting out the song that got me kicked off. Therefore, eliminated singers should be able to sing whatever they want for the last time. I also read comments along those same lines on other websites and blogs. Who knows, maybe AI will hear us and change...

Sarah Carlson said...

Julie- I am SO excited to hear you love AI! Whoo-hoo! Anyhow- I've often thought they should get to sing what they want as their final good-bye; it totally seems idiotic. I remember a few years ago when Latoya London got voted off earlier than people thought she would be Paula asked her to sing a different song than that week's song. They let her do it then. Hmmm... Also, now that they are "singing for their survival," wouldn't it make sense that they sing their best? Just my thoughts. Oh! And I totally vote when I can- hee, hee!